Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Why, Why, Why?

Is it April Fools Day already? No, then it must stupid rich people's day instead. Not content with making hideously overpriced, ugly luggage, Chintz-mongers Louis Vuitton have produced a limited run of skateboards. Why, you may ask, well your guess is as good as mine, especially when you see the price tag - $8,250. A total bargain, even with the free box.

If $8,250 is a bit out of your price range, check out our £60 alternative, which handily gives you enough money to hire an assassin to take out whoever at Louis Vuitton came up with this rubbish.

So if you see a stick rolling around your local park, accompanied by some high pitch squeaking, then it can mean only one thing, the Beckhams have just taken up skating, just make sure you watch out for the chavs with the fake, market L.V. skateboards though...

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